21 Then after her baby is born, name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:21 (CEV)
Joseph was given the name of Jesus by an angel. The name means, “God Saves,” which was entirely appropriate because that was exactly Jesus’ purpose for living a human life. He was born to free humanity from the sin and destruction they chose by rebelling against God. He saved people from eternal destruction by receiving the punishment of that rebellion through an unjustified death. And He still saves people to this day when they confess Him as the Lord, and believe that He was raised to life as proof that the punishment was acceptable to God the Father.
Jesus is how God saves lost people.
But, what about His name? Does it have some type of supernatural power? We hear songs about speaking the name of Jesus, and people pray in the name of Jesus, but does His name have some authority in the life of a believer?
If we look at the early church, we see that the name of Jesus had a special significance. In the book of Acts, people did things in the name of Jesus that Jesus would do while he was still physically here on earth. They would teach, perform signs and wonders, expel demons, and heal the sick, all in the name of Jesus. As they spoke his name, they were operating as representatives of Jesus. Take a quick look at Peter using the name of Jesus for healing:
16 You see this man, and you know him. He put his faith in the name of Jesus and was made strong. Faith in Jesus made this man completely well while everyone was watching.
Acts 3:16 (CEV)
The faith in the name of Jesus is another way of saying that the man believed Peter was walking with the authority of Christ as his representative. The name of Jesus is the authority we as believers have because we are connected directly to Christ himself. If we are walking in the will of God, we can expect that his authority is with us when we speak his name.
Jesus is alive! He is working in the world just as he was when he was physically present. The way he is working is different; he is working through his people!
34 Peter said to Aeneas, “Jesus Christ has healed you! Get up and make up your bed.” Right away he stood up.
Acts 9:34 (CEV)
How could Peter say, “Jesus Christ has healed you”? It’s because Peter understood that Jesus was alive and doing the same works he had done while walking with the disciples.
We need to speak the name of Jesus because it releases our faith. The pressure is taken off of our authority and places it rightly on the authority of the risen Lord Jesus!
The key to walking in this kind of faith is understanding the will of God. Remember, Jesus, rebuked his followers when they acted against the will of God. We can only know the will of God as we seek Him daily. As we spend more time in the Word, Prayer, and Worship, then the will of God becomes clear, and we will operate in the power of the Name of Jesus.