You are victorious through Christ Jesus! You have been made new when you surrendered to Him as the Lord of your life.
We allow the old us to dictate who the new us is, and guess what? The old us isn’t right.
The Bible tell us that we are a NEW creation when we surrender to Christ. Our old ways should be left in the past. Don’t let the enemy tell you that you are still the same old person.
Don't think that you can never overcome the chains that have bound you for so long; this is a LIE. Here’s some encouragement, you are set free from those things that have bound you before.

You need to understand WHO you ARE.
Jesus tried to explain this to people.
John 8:31–34 (CEV)
31 Jesus told the people who had faith in him, “If you keep on obeying what I have said, you truly are my disciples.
32 You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
33 They answered, “We are Abraham’s children! We have never been anyone’s slaves. How can you say we will be set free?”
34 Jesus replied: I tell you for certain that anyone who sins is a slave of sin!
Did you catch the importance of what He said? If you follow Him, you don’t have to be slaves to sin anymore.
In other words, You have the VICTORY. It’s a matter of understanding who you are as a follower of Christ.
You need to say to God - I am who I am because of who you are!
You are a new creation.
You are reconciled!
That means that once, you may have been far from God. You might have been lost in your own selfish life. But God, because of His great love for you, has reached down in grace and lifted you to enjoy a position of intimate relationship with Him.
We can stand in His presence without spot or blemish because the blood that was shed for us covers all our iniquity!
That’s why Paul says in this verse that we are righteous!
2 Corinthians 5:21
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Can we be made righteous in our strength? No, we became a new creation when we trust in the finished work of Jesus. Christ, who lived a righteous life traded places with us.
Who are you? How can you stand in the presence of a Holy God? Because of the righteousness of our Saviour!
That’s Victory!
Who you are is essential, and claiming victory in your life is very important because we have some responsibility in this new life.
God is counting on us to bring that same victory to other people.
Wouldn’t it be sad to understand WHO you are in Christ and never let anyone else know the good thing you found?
Kristen made these fantastic “can’t leave them alone” cake bars. Oh, how good they looked. She made them on a night that our girls spent the night with their Aunt Emily, and we had this entire cake pan of these fantastic bars. We had a choice to gobble them all up and keep them for ourselves or share the love with our family and friends.
Good news, we shared. We took some to people we love. In the end, I didn’t even get to eat one!
The victory we have in Christ is for us, but it's also for others. We are to SHARE the victory we have in Christ with others.
The Word of God tells us that we are part of God’s plan. It says that we now have the ministry of reconciliation. We are ambassadors for Christ.
That’s who you are!
Hey, please don’t get the idea that pastors have some special anointing or that some certificate on a wall somewhere makes them more qualified to share the Gospel of Christ.
No way!
Who are you? You’re God’s plan A - There isn’t a plan B.
You are forgiven.
You are set free.
I love how excited Paul was to share the Gospel:
Romans 1:16–17 (CEV)
16 I am proud of the good news! It is God’s powerful way of saving all people who have faith, whether they are Jews or Gentiles.
17 The good news tells how God accepts everyone who has faith, but only those who have faith. It is just as the Scriptures say, “The people God accepts because of their faith will live.”
Can we honestly say the same as the Apostle Paul? Are we proud of the good news?
When something good happens to us, we want as many people to know as possible. When our baby is born, buying a new house, getting married, graduating, or any other important moment in life that we are excited to share, are those things more important than the Gospel?
I guess it comes down to what matters the most to us in this life.
Prioritize the good news of Christ. It’s the biggest and best news we could ever share.
God accepts EVERYONE - Who are you going to tell this great news?
You are on a mission from God to bring people into the kingdom.
Here's the bottom line. You are VICTORIOUS.