Seemingly insignificant steps of faith are the steps that can define our lives. Seeking Christ is accompanied by taking risks. In fact, taking risks to make our lives extraordinary is essential if done according to God’s plan and principles. God wants us to trust Him in all things, and when we do, He can turn even the smallest obedience into the biggest blessings.
Send your grain across the seas,
and in time, profits will flow back to you.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 (NLT)
When this verse was written, grain was a very valuable commodity, even though one grain in the hand seemed small and insignificant. The author of Ecclesiastes suggests that we should take steps of faith when following God and His plan, even if it costs us something. He says that if we take a risk, with time, we can expect a return. This may be true in many areas of life, but it is most true with God. If we walk in faith according to God’s will, we can expect God to provide some sort of return.
It’s interesting the author of this verse tells us to cast our grain across the sea because the sea is volatile. It’s unpredictable. One moment it’s peaceful, but within minutes it can turn into a raging storm. In life, it’s tempting to stay on the shore where it feels safe and secure, but the Lord is calling us out onto the sea of faith. What we fail to remember is that the Lord is the Master of the land and sea. He is in control of even the most chaotic circumstances of life.
Remember the lesson He taught the disciples on the sea of Galilee?
26 But Jesus replied, “Why are you so afraid? You surely don’t have much faith.” Then he got up and ordered the wind and the waves to calm down. And everything was calm.
27 The men in the boat were amazed and said, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him.”
Matthew 8:26–27 (CEV)
Jesus is still able to calm the storms in our lives. Our primary responsibility in seeking Him is to trust Him to accomplish His will in our lives. Even when it feels as though He has forgotten we are in trouble. He promised never to leave us or forsake us. He’s given us the Holy Spirit to strengthen, comfort, and guide us in the worst times of our lives.
Taking small steps of faith is what it takes to live victoriously in Christ. It might feel as though nothing is changing, but rest assured He is working. Look to Him for the next step He is calling you to take. It might require us to take a risk, but the reward is far greater than living in the fear which holds us back.
As we seek His face today, let’s do it by taking what seems like an insignificant step of Fatih.